在线赌博推荐 -康科德社区学院是由新英格兰高等教育委员会(前身为新英格兰学校和学院协会高等教育机构委员会)认证的, Inc.).

委员会对高等教育机构的认可表明,该机构达到或超过了通过同行审查程序定期应用的机构质量评估标准. 一个被认可的学院或大学是一个有可用的必要资源,通过适当的教育计划实现其既定的目的, is substantially doing so, 并给出合理的证据表明,在可预见的未来,它将继续这样做. 机构的完整性也通过认证得到解决.

委员会的认可不是局部的,而是适用于整个机构. As such, 它不是提供的每个课程或项目的保证, or the competence of individual graduates. Rather, 它为就读该机构的学生提供了机会质量的合理保证.

委员会对认证状况的询问应直接向该机构的行政人员提出. Individuals also may contact:

New England Commission of Higher Education
(781) 425 7785
Email: [email protected]

1.1 – NECHE Five-Year Interim Report Team

1.2 .五年战略规划和2020-2025年在线赌博推荐规划

2.1 – Boys and Girls Club CFDC Press Announcement

3.1 – Coordinated Care Advising Model

3.2 – Coordinated Care Rubric

3.3 – Student Success Reports

3.4 – Annual Program Review

3.5 – Educated Person Outcomes

3.6 – Master Learning Outcomes Matrix

3.7 – Sample Learning Outcomes Template

3.8 – Local Perkins Assessment 4-Year Plan-在线赌博推荐

3.9 – Industry Partners and Grants

3.10 – Budget Report Description and Example

3.11 – Department Budget Requests

3.12 – Enrollment and Budget PPT

3.13 – MRS Dash Enrollment Reports

3.14 – Revenue and Expenses

3.17 – Op and Aux Cash Stmt

4.1 – Crosswalk of Mission

4.2 – Monday Memo

4.3 – Shared Governance Plan

4.4a – Shared Governance Rubric

4.4b – Monthly Calendar

4.5 – CCSNH Board Minutes

4.6 – 在线赌博推荐 Organizational Chart

4.7 – President’s Weekly Vlog

4.8 – Shared Governance Output 2020

4.9 – Shared Governance Structure

4.10 – Shared Governance Visual

4.11 – Academic Transfer Opportunities

4.12 – CCSNH Academic Policies

4.13 – CCSNH Collective Bargaining Agreements

4.14 – Adjunct Evaluation

4.15 – Professional Development Tracking

4.16 – Chemistry Syllabus

4.17 – Job Postings

4.18 – CCSNH Human Resources Policies

4.19 – Terms of Employment

4.20 – HR Newsletter

4.21a – CCSNH Financial Policies

4.21b – 5-Year Financial Plan

4.22 – Development Plan

4.23 – Berry & Dunn Audit Summary

4.24 – Articulation Agreements

4.25 – Course Catalog

4.26 – Student Success

5.1 – 2020 Online Annual Report

5.2 – Question of the Week

5.3 – SA Assessment and Retention

5.4 – BTC Survey Sample

5.5 – Microcredentials

5.6 – 在线赌博推荐 – NECHE 9

5.7 – Admissions Report Sample

5.8 – Alumni Survey

  • 会计、工商管理、酒店与旅游管理、体育管理: Accredited by the
  • 建筑、计算机、电子、机械工程技术: Accredited by the ETAC Commission of ABET,
  • Dental Assisting, Dental Hygiene: 获牙科认可认可委员会认可,并获授予“认可而无须提交报告”的认可资格.该委员会是美国教育部认可的专业认证机构. 联系牙科认证委员会电话:312-440-4653或东芝加哥大道211号, Chicago, IL 60611 and at
  • Diagnostic Medical Sonography: 由联合健康教育项目认证委员会认证
  • Early Childhood Education: 由全国幼儿教育协会幼儿高等教育项目认证委员会认证, 认证期限从2019年7月到2026年9月.
  • Legal Nurse Consultant: Approved by the American Bar Association
  • Nursing:  Approved by the New Hampshire Board of Nursing, 7 Eagle Square, Concord, NH 03301; 603-271-2152; 该计划还获得了护理教育认证委员会(ACEN)的认可。, 3390 Peachtree Road NE, Suite 1400, Atlanta, GA 30326; 404-975-5000;
  • Orthopaedic Technology: 由国家骨科技术认证委员会认可
  • Paralegal Studies: 被美国律师协会批准为法律助理教育项目
  • Paramedic Emergency Medicine: 由联合健康教育计划评审委员会认可( 根据紧急医疗服务专业教育项目认证委员会的建议
  • Radiation Therapy, Radiologic Technology: 获放射学教育联合检讨委员会认可
  • Teacher Education Conversion Programs: 由新罕布什尔州教育委员会认证

在线赌博推荐 is one of the 7 colleges of the CCSNH, 为整个新罕布什尔州提供服务的综合性社区学院的公共系统.

在线赌博推荐 is a full institutional member of the American Association of Community Colleges and the League of Innovation. 在线赌博推荐 also has National League for Nursing 副学士学位课程委员会的代理会员资格. Memberships are also held in the 新英格兰大学入学咨询协会, 全国大学入学咨询协会, New England Board of Higher Education, 电气与电子工程师学会, National Association of Colleges, and American Society for Engineering Education. The
college is a member of Campus Compact for New Hampshire. 在线赌博推荐隶属于新罕布什尔高等教育论坛 New Hampshire College and University Council (香港大学社区学院系统的成员). 在线赌博推荐 is a member of the National Collegiate Honors Council.

在线赌博推荐的校际体育项目是国际体育联合会的成员之一,其团队也参加了国际体育联合会的比赛 Yankee Small College Conference and the United States Collegiate Athletic Association.

在线赌博推荐 -康科德社区学院被授权提供本科课程(一般), professional, technical and transfer programs, 以及证书和短期培训计划)在新罕布什尔州. 

According to TITLE XV EDUCATION CHAPTER 188-F, 在线赌博推荐在新罕布什尔州社区学院系统的授权下在新罕布什尔州运作, 为提供一个协调良好的公共社区大学教育体系而建立的政治团体和社团.  As such, 社区学院系统的受托人负责监督和管理该系统, and therefore 在线赌博推荐 Concord’s Community College.

Reference TITLE XV Chapter 188-F: 1 and 2. In accordance with 188-F:2, 社区学院系统有充分和完全的权力授权在线赌博推荐在新罕布什尔州境内开展教育活动.


Revised: May 9, 2019

在线赌博推荐在线赌博推荐努力满足您的在线赌博推荐和就业目标. If we miss these goals for you, 请使用以下参考点来帮助您了解下一步要做什么: 

  • Visit the NECHE website for additional guidance.
  • 联系新罕布什尔州教育部,在线赌博推荐如下:
    Stephen Berwick,争议解决和选民投诉协调员
    101 Pleasant Street
    Concord, NH  03301
    [email protected]
  • For online classes taken out of state, contact NC-SARA.